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articles. is an ongoing documentary channel that focuses on a range of topics told through the medium of gonzo journalism.
Conceived during the onslaught of COVID-19, articles. was born out of a desire to create a worthwhile project that contributed to society in a meaningful way.


Originally the idea was to create a zine, but rising costs and uncertainty lead to the decision to primarily deliver in a video format, with each episode representing an article in the zine called articles.

However, as I have become more invested into the project, I am looking at options to create an accompaniment zine for each episode. 

focuses on the exploration of a dilapidated suburban nightclub 

discusses the rising nuclear threats from Putin's Russia as the war in Ukraine continues and looks at local remnants of Cold War infrastructure on the Sefton Coast. 

We explore the abandoned Octel Bromine Works in Amlwch, off of the Welsh coast.

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